Best Re-roofing
(Retrofitting) Metal Roofs in Miami

There’s a myriad of homeowners who aren’t sure whether the service they need is a complete Metal Roof Replacement or just a Re-Roofing or a Retrofitting service. And it’s something that’s not uncommon. As a matter of fact, most property owners ask for opinions from their local roofers so that they would be able to take the right path.
But how does a Re-Roofing (Retrofitting) Service differ from a Metal Roof Replacement Service? What are the distinctive differences that they have from each other that put property owners in a position that they’re not able to choose between the two (2) services?
What Does Re-Roofing Mean?
Re-Roofing is actually the median between a Metal Roof Repair and a Metal Roof Replacement service. It is, in fact, the least costly way to improve, restore, or to enhance the appearance and functionality of your metal roof.
The procedure of Re-Roofing or Retrofitting involves the placing of a new roof overlay to the currently existing roofing system that you have installed on your property. This process is done to help in the restoration of the physical dimensions of your metal roofs.
Because a roofing system’s exterior is not just important in terms of its appearance, not having a roof that has its physicality fixed can also contribute to the deterioration of the roof as well.
Why Go For a Re-Roofing (Retrofitting) Metal Roof Service?
Re-Roofing (Retrofitting) Metal Roofs has its pros and cons – let’s start by discussing the advantages that it can give you and your property.
Fast and Urgent
When we speak of Re-Roofing (Retrofitting), you wouldn’t actually need a whole lot of products, materials, and machines to complete and accomplish the Re-Roofing or the Retrofitting service. It’s just going to need the contractor to place and install a new roof overlay to the roofing system on your property.
The service is fast-paced, swift, and is urgent, you would not need to spend a lot of time worrying about it. The entire procedure wouldn’t even last a full day, compared to a complete Metal Roof Replacement.
It Can be Done to All Types of Metal Roofing Systems
Another benefit of Re-Roofing is that it can be done to a whole wide range of Metal Roofing Systems. Whether you have Metal Shingle Roofs, Metal Tile Roofs, Corrugated Metal Roofing, and so on, you can absolutely perform a Re-Roofing or a Retrofitting service is done to it.
What is a Metal Roof Replacement?
If Re-Roofing is just the covering of overlay to an existing Metal Roofing System, the process of Metal Roof Replacement, on the other hand, involved the removal of the complete roofing system. This means that it’s not just the process of covering up the current roofing system. Instead, everything will be replaced by the flashing, the ventilation, the underlayment, the water and ice shields, and so on.
A Metal Roof Replacement is the comprehensive replacement of an entire roofing system and it is the most expensive service you can get for your roofing system. It’ll involve the installation of a new roofing system for your property. You should go with a Metal Roof Replacement service if the damages on your roofs are already reaching the interior of the roofing system such as the water shields, the flashing, the ventilation – even the eaves and the ceiling of your property.
You should know the difference between when you should take a Metal Roof Replacement versus a Re-Roofing or a Retrofitting service.

Drawbacks of Re-Roofing (Retrofitting)
Re-Roofing (Retrofitting) isn’t all just rainbows and butterflies. As a matter of fact, it has a few disadvantages to it as well. Some of which include:
Not Complete
One of the major disadvantages that Metal Roofing Services have is the fact that it’s not as comprehensive and as complete as a full-on Metal Roofing Replacement. Since it only involves the installation or the covering of the overlay of the current roof, you wouldn’t be able to detect damages and defects underneath the interior of the roof.
Might Not Last As Long As Replacements
When compared to a Metal Roof Replacement, a Re-Roofed or a Retrofitted roof might not last as long as a complete and full-on replacement. In fact, its life expectancy might not even reach a decade.
Should you be interested in getting a Re-Roofing or a Retrofitting service and you’re located anywhere here in the city of Miami, don’t ever hesitate to give us a buzz here at Miami Metal Roofing Elite Contracting Group.
We are Miami’s go-to company when it comes to all Metal Roofing Solutions and Services. We’re skilled and adept at performing a wide variety of services that would surely suit your needs. Whether you need help with a Corrugated Metal Roof, a Tapered Panels Metal Roof, a Metal Tile Roof, Metal Shingle Roofs, and the like, Miami Metal Roofing Elite Contracting Group is skilled and adept in performing that.
Work With Us!
Contact us via any of our channels and we will be ready and prepared to help you with the Re-Roofing (Retrofitting) Metal Roof service that you have! Work with the best, work with Miami Metal Roofing Elite Contracting Group and never think about where you can get the best and the highest quality of the Re-Roofing (Retrofitting) service.
You’re just a call or an email away from working with the most trusted and most reliable Metal Roofing Contractor in the industry.
Time to Replace Your Roof? We Can Help
Considering roofing replacement? When it comes to roofing projects, many homeowners rely on professionals to get the job done. At Miami Metal Roofing Elite Contracting Group, our specialists stick to all the industry standards when installing metal roofing on both residential and commercial properties. Therefore, you can be sure of getting a sturdy roof on top of your house. As a result, you can get the best services from our company in the following fields;
What Locations do we Serve?
Miami Metal Roofing Elite Contracting Group is a name you can trust and rely on. Our metal roofing services were limited in Miami, FL when we started. But with time our company has expanded and is now serving over ten locations within Florida.
It shows how reliable we are. Here are some places within Florida, where you can access our world-class metal roofing services: –